Phase 1 Early Interceptive Orthodontics

1st Phase Early Interceptive Orthodontics

Dr. Haeger's Approach to Phase I Treatment

Phase 1 Early Interceptive Orthodontics

Only about 6% of the children we see require Phase 1 treatment. But if your child does require it, it’s critical to intervene to avoid complex issues that can become untreatable.

Dr. Haeger has pioneered research for Phase 1 treatment, and recommends bringing your child to our practice between the ages of 8-10. He will assess if they require Phase 1 treatment, gauge the best time to start, and allow your child to grow into a healthy, happy smile.

Is Phase 1 Orthodontics Necessary For My Child?

Though many orthodontic problems can wait, there are some that are best corrected early. The goal of Phase 1 treatment is to correct jaw growth and bite problems before they become complex or even untreatable. Early treatment also makes room for permanent teeth to erupt properly, lessening the chance of extractions in the future.

Two-Phased Treatment Plans

Phase 1 treatment typically occurs when your child has a mix of primary and permanent teeth. That’s why Dr. Haeger recommends bringing them in between the ages 8 and 10 so we can determine if Phase 1 treatment is necessary before issues become critical. 

If your child requires Phase 1 treatment, it typically takes about 6 to 15 months to address and treat the issues. This saves you and your child time, money, and discomfort that would otherwise be spent on complicated orthodontic issues if left untreated. 

To ensure your child’s smile is on the right track, we will periodically evaluate their jaw development and eruption progress after Phase I treatment is finished. From there, Dr. Haeger will decide if your child requires additional work and the best time to start Phase 2 treatment.

What Can Phase 1 Interceptive
Orthodontics Treat?

Fortunately, less than 10% of children need Phase 1 and Phase 2 treatment.


Severe crowding


Eruption problems


Open bite, Deep bite & Cross bite


Overbites & Underbites


Narrow jaws


Harmful habits


Severely protruded front teeth

Our Treatments

before and after treatment



before and after treatment



before and after treatment



before and after treatment



What's the best age for early interceptive care?

The best age for early interceptive care is between the ages of 7 and 10.

What Happens If My Child Doesn’t Get Early Interceptive Orthodontics?

Treatment during this period provides an opportunity to favorably influence the facial profile in a growing child. Once facial bone growth is complete, correction of jaw discrepancies becomes more complicated and may require surgery. For this reason, early treatment may save considerable time and money.

Why don't you treat two-phase Orthodontics?

Scientifically, the benefit of two-phase Orthodontics is only necessary in a small percentage of patients. Dr. Haeger is known to only recommend two-phase treatment when absolutely necessary as his evidence-based approach is focused on the best outcome, financially and scientifically, for his patients.

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